Sullivan’s Island Mayor Pat O’Neil
"Chip Campsen has been an outstanding Senator for Sullivan’s Island and our entire coastal area. I am proud to support his re-election so we, and the State, can continue to benefit from his effective and responsive service. Chip has always been readily available and helpful when we ask for his help with local matters involving the State. Further, he frequently reaches out to us on issues of importance to us. He has been very attentive to our growing challenges in managing stormwater, helping us in our interactions with the relevant State regulatory agencies. Our state’s irreplaceable natural and cultural resources have had no stronger friend than Chip Campsen, who is an outdoorsman’s outdoorsman. In 2002 he wrote the legislation that created the SC Conservation Bank, which since then has invested very wisely and effectively to protect nearly 400,000 acres from development, to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy them. Appropriately, Chip is the Chair of the important Fish, Game and Forestry Committee of the SC Senate. Recently, he was extremely helpful to us in our recent fights to save many of the Sullivan’s Island palmetto trees that Dominion Energy had targeted for destruction. Similarly, Chip was a strong leader in the fight against oil drilling in our offshore waters. He wrote and passed legislation blocking the construction of onshore infrastructure necessary for such activities. He also personally intervened with the Secretary of the Interior requesting his help in preventing drilling in our waters. Chip Campsen is the most effective advocate the Lowcountry could have. I hope you will join me in supporting his re-election so we can continue to benefit from his effective, intelligent and responsive leadership!"

Former First Lady Ann Edwards
I’ve had the wonderful pleasure of knowing Chip Campsen since he was a young boy. My late husband Jim Edwards and Chip’s father George were close friends. Not only were these men deeply involved in the Republican party, both served in the state legislature. Together they were owners of beautiful Hutchinson Island in the ACE Basin, where they took their sons hunting and fishing. Those family adventures not only taught the boys life lessons about the woods and the water, but also led to many personal and political conversations around the campfire. A deep love and appreciation for the outdoors, our state’s precious natural and historic resources, and the political process was kindled in the hearts and minds of those young boys.
In my state Senator Chip Campsen, I’ve seen these passions and principles at work.
Time and again, Chip has stood up for you and me! As senator, he has crafted laws to protect our families, our pocketbooks, our communities, and our natural resources. With great wisdom and leadership he created the South Carolina Conservation Bank, authored SC’s Future Scholar 529 Plan, and drafted legislation forming the Office on Aging, just to mention a few. Throughout his brilliant career, Chip has been at the center of defending the Constitution and served as a passionate advocate for conservative causes.
I know the traits required for one to lead and serve well. By God’s grace, my husband walked in many of these same paths. As a state senator for Charleston County, then Governor of South Carolina, next as Ronald Reagan’s first Secretary of Energy, and finally as president of the Medical University of South Carolina, Jim knew and loved the State of South Carolina and her people as deeply and as well as his young friend Chip Campsen.
Now, as a 96-year-old great grandmother, my greatest concern is not for me, but for the future of the generations to come. I want to elect someone who shares my values, loves my state, and will respect and fight for the heritage handed down to us by our forefathers. Chip Campsen is that man!
I hope you will join me on November 5th in re-electing State Senator Chip Campsen.

Edisto Beach Mayor Crawford Moore
"Senator Chip Campsen is a true champion for South Carolina and the Lowcountry. His coastal protection efforts are second to none. His work to create the SC Conservation Bank has created the protection of over 400,000 acres of SC land and his efforts have also reached our own Edisto Beach. Through his work we have been able to acquire $7.5 million toward our beach nourishment project set for the fall of 2025. This money is critical to the future protection and preservation of our public beach and the properties of Edisto Beach. He was key in securing a SCDNR grant of $254,000 for replacement of our town dock located on Big Bay Creek at our public park. Senator Campsen has also been instrumental in attaining $1 million for the town to add automatic water meter readers to all of our properties which will allow the town to more efficiently budget and track water usage thus reducing waste. These efforts demonstrate his commitment to not only the Lowcountry but to the Town of Edisto Beach. I fully endorse Senator Campsen for re-election to the SC Senate."

Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie
"I have known Chip Campsen for over 40-years and wholeheartedly endorse his re-election to the South Carolina Senate. Senator Campsen has demonstrated his statesmanship time and again as one of South Carolina’s most effective lawmakers. He created the South Carolina Conservation Bank that has protected almost 400,000 acres in South Carolina, including Boone Hall Plantation, Morris Island and the Angel Oak. Just across the Harbor from the Old Village, Senator Campsen saved May Forest Convent at Fort Johnson from development. He made it a state park instead. Senator Campsen created the Future Scholar 529 Plan that has over $3.8 billion invested in tax-free private accounts for education expenses. He instituted early voting and enhanced election integrity
measures by unanimous vote of the General Assembly. He was the only Senator to oppose the Base Load Review Act which led to the failed VC Summer Nuclear Plants that put ratepayers on the hook for almost $6 billion in losses. An avid outdoorsman, Senator Campsen passed numerous laws implementing sustainable harvest of blue crabs, redfish, flounder, cobia, turkey, deer and other species. Senator Campsen recently secured $3.3 million for the Town of Mt. Pleasant to dredge Shem Creek’s public and commercial fishing docks, and to complete a portion of the Mt. Pleasant Way trail. This is but a small sample of the good work Senator Campsen has done for us and the State of South Carolina. Please join me in re-electing Chip Campsen to the South Carolina Senate. He’s getting it done for the Lowcountry!"

Island of Palms Mayor Phillip Pounds
"I serve as Mayor of Isle of Palms and Senator Campsen has been a continued champion for Isle of Palms and more broadly all coastal communities. Specifically, he has supported and helped secure state funding over the past few years for stormwater infrastructure improvement projects, ADA beach access paths, marina dredging and beach renourishment. He has also been instrumental in removing bureaucracy involved with pending permits with various state agencies allowing us to move forward on much needed projects for our community. Having the tenure and relationships Senator Campsen has developed over the years, continues to pay benefits for our residents and broader community."

Folly Beach Mayor Tim Goodwin
“I am writing this letter to endorse Senator Chip Campsen for reelection to Senate District 43. As a mayor of a coastal city, I have worked with Senator Campsen on many coastal and environmental issues. Not only for my city, but as a member of the South
Carolina Beach Advocates Association, also for the entire coast of South Carolina. Senator Campsen has been a significant part of the resolution of the many coastal issue that face not only District 43 but the entire coastal area of South Carolina. He was
instrumental, along with Representative Wetmore, in passing the State law that allowed the City of Folly Beach to remove derelict vessels from the Folly River to help protect our waterways and marsh environment. A proud accomplishment for the Charleston area was Senator Campsen’s fast action, along with other Senators that chaired the committees that control the budget, to purchase the May Forest Convent on James Island. This 23-acre piece of waterfront property is now a State Park to be enjoyed by everyone. The property that was formerly owned by The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy, was slated to become another development. When Senator Campsen learned of this, he worked feverishly to preserve this valuable piece of property not only for his district; but the entire state of South Carolina, our children and grandchildren. For these along with many reasons too numerous to mention now, I urge you to vote for Senator Chip Campsen to continue to work for District 43."

James Island Mayor Brook Lyon
"I have appreciated your dedication to the Town of James Island, our community and our State for years. You have been supportive of our needs and you have been willing to make James Island a better place to live. I have been especially grateful that you were able to save the Sisters of Mercy property from development that is now the beautiful park known as May Forest. This property along with the redevelopment of DNR will be an asset to our Town, community and state for generations to come. We have you to thank for this! Our Town is also appreciative for the funding you obtained to cover costs of of our residents connecting to the sewer expansion project on James Island Creek. Hopefully this will help to mitigate pollution of our waterways. While I have a policy not to endorse political candidates, I am happy to make an exception for you. Thank you again so much for all you do for the Town of James Island."